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Q: Who was the first black woman to speak out publicly against slavery?
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Who was the first African American woman to speak out publicly against slavery?

sojourner truth

Who was the first colonists to publicly criticize slavery were?

The first colonists to publicly criticize slavery were the Quakers.

The first group of colonist to publicly criticize slavery were?

The Quakers were the first group to publicly criticize slavery.

Who was the first white person against slavery?

There are no records kept of someone who was the first white to be against slavery. There is no way of knowing.

What did Grimke Sisters do to try to stop slavery?

The Grimke Sisters, Sarah and Angelina, were prominent abolitionists who spoke out against slavery through their lectures, writings, and activism in the 19th century. They were among the first American women to publicly advocate for the abolition of slavery and for women's rights. Their efforts helped to raise awareness about the injustices of slavery and contributed to the growing anti-slavery movement in the United States.

Quakers were among the first in England to speak out blank slavery?

Quakers were among the first in England to speak out AGAINST slavery.

What accomplishments did the grimke sisters make?

were among the first women in the United States to publicly argue for the abolition of slavery. in 1836, Angelina wrote an article urging all women to actively work to free black slaves.

Who was the first to speak out against slavery?

The first known individual to speak out against slavery was St. Augustine, a theologian from the early Christian Church who argued that slavery was a result of sin and was not part of God's original plan for humanity.

The first organization to come out openly against slavery was?

The N.A.A.C.P

Who went against slavery first Martin Luther King or Abrahan Lincoln?

Abraham linlcon because he was a live alot earlier. also martin Luther king didn't work agansit slavery but for black rights.

Who were the first religious group to speak out against slavery?

The Quakers were among the first religious groups to speak out against slavery in the United States. They actively campaigned against the institution of slavery and were instrumental in the abolitionist movement.

What was the first document against slavery?

The Emancepation Proclamation by Abraham Lincon.