

Who was the first female writer won the noble prize?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Who was the first female writer won the noble prize?
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Who is the first female noble prize winner novelist?

marie curie

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Marie Curie.

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Which Indian person get latest noble prize?

first Nobel prize for Asian literature

Who was the first writer from kerala nominated for nobel prize?

The first writer from Kerala nominated for the Nobel Prize was Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai. He was a renowned Malayalam writer known for his contributions to Indian literature.

Who first won the noble prize?

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen

Who was the first scientist who got the noble prize?

Marie Curie

How many noble prize in India?

there are 45 noble prize in india

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Marie Curie

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Woodrow Wilson

Who was the first American to ever win a noble prize?

theodore rosevelt

First Indian to get noble prize for literature?

abindranath Tagore was awarded theNobel Prize in Literature in 1913. Gitanjali