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Q: Who was the first kid to commit suicide due to bullying?
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What percent of people kill themselves due to getting bullied?

8% of children under the age 14 commit suicide due to bullying . How ever, 15-50% attempt and succeed.

Can cyber bullying cause death?

Yes, because the victim might commit suicide due to whatever happened.

How many kids commit suicide due to bullying because they are fat?

TW// Suicide obvi I wanted to kill myself but I was afraid that the rope would break

How many people commit suicide a year due to bullying?

1,000,000 (1 million!!) every year :(

How many kids commit suicide because of bullying in the US?

There are many types of bullying that takes place, but the 2010 statistics show that 2.7 million children are bullied each day. This is about 2.1 students. Seventy-one percent of students see bullying as a problem in their school. It is the leading cause of death under the age of 14 by suicide and according to a study by the Yale school of medicine there is a strong connection between suicide and bullying. The rate has grown by 50% in the last 30 years, but I could not find an exact number of deaths that occur due to bullying. The reason for this may be that the death is not listed as a direct cause of bullying and it may be assumed that it is an indirect cause.

How many people commit suicide a year due to school bullying?

There are many people who commit suicide due to bullying. They can't take all the mental and physical pain that they are going through. In fact one of my friends from school have tryed to commit suicide by hanging herself. Just don't bully.

How many teens commit suicide due to bullying?

too many. bullies should be sent to special boarding school for treating bullies, so they can only bully other bullies.

How many kids commit suicide due to school work?

One child every three seconds commits suicide due to excessive schoolwork.

How many suicides in 2011 were due to cyber bullying?

i think it was about 46 people that commited suicide

What percentage of bullying is cyber bullying?

Statistic says:42% of teenagers who have access to tochnology reported that they experienced being bullied last year.3 million kids are absent from school due to cyber bullying.20% think about suicide 1/10 tries to commit it.

How man kids commit suicide a year because of being teased?

This is a sad topic and I feel really sorry for most of these kids! But sadly it can't all be stopped and around 15-25 kids commit suicide each year due to bullying or cyber bullying! :( I hate this so much! There was a girl who was gorgeous absolutely stunning! And you know what?? She made a video. It was her first year in high school, she said she was loving it! But one problem was that she was bullied ever since year 7! She made this video, put it on youtube, and commited suicide 3 days later! It makes me sick to think of the sick disgusting children who manipulate these kids into believing the are losers and no better than them!

Did Linda McCartney commit suicide?

No, no, she died due to breast cancer on April 7th, 1998.