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Slavery dates so far back in history that we can't know who the first person was. Ancient societies bought and sold people across cultures. When wars happened slaves were taken and the Roman gladiator system was built on men captured in battle and enslaved. Slavery still exists today and people are still bought and sold. The sex trade often uses slavery.

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Q: Who was the first person to have slavery?
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Who was the first person to escape from slavery?

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Who was the first white person against slavery?

There are no records kept of someone who was the first white to be against slavery. There is no way of knowing.

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Oh, it's as old as history itself.....

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a quaker abolitionist is a person who is against slavery that Quakers were among the first whites to denounce slavery in the American colonies

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the first signs of slavery was in Virginia

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Vermont was the first colony to prohibit slavery in its 1777 constitution, becoming the first territory in North America to abolish slavery.

Who was the Person who wanted to get rid of slavery?

Many, many people wanted to end slavery. Abraham Lincoln is often identified as the key person, but he certainly was not the only person to wish for slavery to end.

What is a person who is for slavery?

a rascist

Do you call a person who is against slavery?

Abolitionist -- they were in favor of abolishing slavery.

What is Abraham Lincoln's opinions about slavery?

no Lincoln was an abolitionist or a person who was against slavery. Linoln thought slavery was wrong and wanted it to end and he hadn't owned any slaves because he knew owning another person was wrong.

Who was the first person to start the newspaper called the north star?

The first person to start the newspaper called the North Star was Frederick Douglas. The North Star paper was first published in June of 1851 and was an anti-slavery newspaper.