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Q: Who was the first person to teach while been blind?
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What is a person who reads for a blind person called?

"Reader for the blind"(Infamous serial killer Edmund Kemper does this while in prison)

How do you do a blind sort?

i have no idea cover your eyes while the person says the word and spell it by writing it down

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Who was the first person to die from texting while driving

How do you become a feacher?

For a person to become a teacher, they must first attend college and have an education plan that helps them become a teacher. A future teacher will often major in what they want to teach while learning how to be a teacher. They will then need to have a license to teach in the state they want to be employed.

How can a blind person use their ears to see?

Blind people can "see" with their ears by relying on them to fill in the gaps caused by their lack of visual perception. For instance, while a blind person cannot see an oncoming car, they can hear it, allowing them to move away from the sound as to avoid getting hit. Blind people cannot literally see with their ears, no one can.

What is teacher training?

Teacher training, is the the time where a person traines to be a teacher. they often watch how teachers of the subject they want to teach for a while, then attempt to teach that class.

Was Helen Keller the first to graduate college blind and deaf?

No, Helen Keller was not the first person to graduate college while being blind and deaf. Laura Bridgman, who lived in the early 19th century, was the first deaf-blind person to be formally educated and graduated from a college-like institution in 1839. Helen Keller, known for her achievements in overcoming her disabilities, graduated from Radcliffe College in 1904.

What organizations are recommend for keeping children safe while backing up?

Driving schools that will teach drivers how long the blind spot on the ground is in back of a vehicle , and enforce checking around the vehicle while backing, as well as tell kids around the vehicle to keep out of the way while backing up.

What would happen if you gave LSD to a blind person?

they may still experience the effects bc when Albert Hofmann took it he described seeing images while his eyes were closed but i dont think a blind person would have the images to put to this they would probably experience mental effects tho

Are Baby Sharks Blind While in the Womb?

No but you where.

Who was first person to put milk into coffee?

While there are no records of the first person to put milk into coffee it was the French who started it.

What is the answer to the riddle I see' said the blind man to the deaf man while scratching his wooden leg?

it has no answer it is a joke because the blind man cant see and the person he is telling it to cant hear and their is no purpose in scratching a wooden leg because it can not itch