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Q: Who was the first person who made optical illusions?
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What benefits can you get from optical illusions?

Well, optical illusions help exercise your brain when ever you look at anything, but if you look at too many optical illusions it can really hurt you.

When were optical illusions created?

Optical illusions were first used by the Greeks. They built their temples so that the roof was slanted. This gave the illusion that the temple was actually standing straight. They also made the columns bulge so that from a distance they would look perfectly proportioned. In the course of history, people have encountered illusions in many ways. Many of these illusions appear in very common, everyday experiences.

Why were optical illusions made?

Optical illusions are naturally found in nature, but were not studied until 450 BC in Rome. Roman thinkers correctly surmised that people's senses could play tricks on them. Optical illusions were not studied in depth until the 1800s.

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Where is kilnockie?

Sorry to destroy illusions but its made up!!

When was the first compact disc made in the us?

Sony first publicly demonstrated an optical digital audio disc in September 1976.

What are optical fibers made of?

Good optical fiber is made of glass, but inexpensive fiber is sometimes made of plastic.

Why was optical illusion invented?

OpTiCaL ILlUsIoN WaZ MaDe fOr ArT AnD FoR tHe InJoyMeNt oF thE PeOpLE

Who was the first phone call made by?

the first person that made that call

How was the first Roman coin made?

it was made by a person

Who made the first BMW?

the person who made bmw!

How do artists create optical illusions?

When light from a lighter medium enters a heavier medium like from air to glass the refraction occurs towards the normal. However when light passes from a heavier medium to a lighter medium the refraction occurs away from the normal. As the incident angle in this case keeps incresing the refracted light keeps moving away from the normal until it reaches a critical angle when total internal reflection occurs. Thus on a hot day when you travel on a highway that is paved, the air near the surface gets hotter and lighter than the air slightlyabove it. As we drive we can see this total internal reflection occurring which gives you the illusion that there is a water puddle at a distance when in actuality there is no water. This is a mirage and this is an example of optical illusion. The brain processes the signals and gets slightly confused and we see illusions. There are many such optical illusions in nature (and man made).