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Q: Who was the first us president to bring together a cabinet?
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How often do the president and his cabinet meet?

this varies according to the president's wishes. in Reagan's first year as president, he held 36 cabinet meetings but Clinton only held 6 in his first year. cabinet meetings in the usa are not nearly as important or regular as cabinet meetings in the UK.

Who were the members of the first president cabinet?

JEFFERSON,HAMILTON, KNOX,AND RANDOLPH were Washingtons first 4 cabinet members

What are the Requirements to be a cabinet member?

In the United States, prospective administration cabinet members are first selected and nominated by the president. They must be confirmed by the senate before becoming a member of the president's cabinet.

Why did the president create the cabinet?

The Cabinet was created by George Washington, the first President of the United States. He appointed four Cabinet members to help him in fulfill his responsibilities and give him advice.

What did the first president of the US create to help him do the work of the executive branch?

the President's Cabinet

Which president created the first four cabinet positions?

George Washington appointed people to fill the first four cabinet positions.

Who was the first president to name a black person to his Cabinet?


What do cabinet members give the president?

I asked you first stupid

Who is the cabinet secretary who would be first in line to be president?

vice persident

Presidential advisory group first formed by President washington?

The Cabinet.

Who was the first woman to serve in Roosevelt's cabinet?

Frances Perkins, who was Secretary of Labor from 1933 to 1945, was the first woman to serve in any president's cabinet.

Who was the first to have a cabinet?

The first president, George Washington had the first cabinet. His cabinet consisted of Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of War Henry Knox, and Attorney General Edmund Randolph.