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Q: Who was the king of Spain during the Protestant Reformation?
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What was Spain's reaction to the reformation?

Spain was strongly opposed to the Protestant Reformation. King Philip II and the Spanish Inquisition worked to suppress any spread of Protestant ideas in their territories. They viewed the Reformation as a threat to their authority and saw it as heretical.

Martin Luther King 1483-1546 Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther King-Protestant Reformation

Who sold indulgeneces during the Protestant Reformation?

I believe it was King Henry VII (The seventh).

England became a protestant country during the reformation when its?

king declared himself head of the Church of England.

What religion was King Philip 11 of Spain?


Who was the Spanish king who intented on crushing protestantism?

Charles V, or Charles I of Spain, ruled the Holy Roman Empire. He had under his rule many countries and territories. He was very vocal and blunt in his opposition to Protestant Reformation. He was a promoter of the Council of Trent, which settled the basis for the Counter-Reformation.

What is a good sentence with the word protestant?

The Protestant church down the street is known for its beautiful stained glass windows.

How does Martin Luther King emboy American ideals?

.*Martin Luther King Was A Priest From The Renaissance Who Started The Protestant Reformation And Martin Luther King Was A Leader In The American Civil Rights.!

What did Martin Luther began the?

Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation Martin Luther King began the Civil Rights Movement

Who was the king of Spain during the Napoleonic era?

Napoleon put his brother in law as king of spain.

What were the causes and major phases of the English Reformation?

The Protestant Reformation began when King Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church and declared himself head of the Church of England. Later, Calvinist ideas influenced the Puritans.

What protestant churches were established by the Reformation?

Some of the prominent Protestant churches that were established during the Reformation include Lutheran, Calvinist (or Reformed), Anglican, and Anabaptist churches. These churches emerged as a result of the religious and theological reforms led by leaders like Martin Luther, John Calvin, King Henry VIII, and various Anabaptist reformers.