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Q: Who was the last child to be taken away by the oompa loompas in the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?
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How does willy wonker make his chocolate?

The oompa-loompas make the chocolate, which is churned by waterfall in the factory.

Who works for Mr wonka in the factory do you think he can trust them?

The Oompa-Loompas work for Willy Wonka in his chocolate factory. Willy Wonka trusts them to do a good job for him.

What are the little people who help Willy Wonka called?

The little people who help Willy Wonka manufacture candy in his chocolate factory are called oompa loompas. They are orange dwarves who like to sing ditties of advice to the children who visit Willy Wonka's factory in Roald Dahl's book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." This book was published in 1964 and has since been adapted to film many times.

What is a chomba womba?

The Chomba Womba's are obvious parodies of the Oompa Loompas from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Who owned a really unusual chocolate factory?

This depends on the chocolate factory you are talking about. However, if this is Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, Willy Wonka owns it and keeps it running, while the oompa loompas work in it.

In Film with Gene Wilder what color hair did the oompa loompas have?

The Oompa Loompas Hair is GREEN in the original willy wonka and the chocolate factory.

If Ompa loompas are fake Then who makes Willy Wonkas Chocolate?

Willy Wonkas Chocolate comes from a candy company called Willy Wonka Chocolate, not from Willy Wonka. Oompa loompas are fake, but don't let that get your spirits down.

What is an oompa loompa?

The employees of Google are (humorously) referred to as Oompa-Loompas, but the famously mischievous yet highly trustworthy Loompaland Islanders were paid at Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory in their FAVORITE FOOD, cacoa beans.

Why does William Rewston like chocolate so much?

Because when he lived with the Oompa-Loompas in Loompaland. The Oompa-Loompas loved coco beans. Then one day a man called Willy Wonka came and asked the Oompa-Loompas of they wanted to come and work in his chocolate factory. So they said "yes I would like to work in your chocolate factory," so William followed them to the chocolate factory and that is why William likes chocolate so much. :)

How many midgets did they use for the Oompa-Loompas in the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?

1 but he was just telegraph lots of times

'Oompa-loompas'are characters from which famous children's book?

"Oompa-Loompas" are characters from the famous children's book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald Dahl. They are small beings who work in Willy Wonka's factory.

Is the factory of Willy Wonka really exist?

There is no actual factory with Oompa Loompas running around. It is fictional. (: