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The list of canonizations changes every few months so, rather than posting a name of an individual only to have it change, click on this link for the most recent names of canonized saints.

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Q: Who was the last person to be declared a saint by the Catholic church?
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Was St. Josephine Bahkita a Catholic before she was a saint?

Of course. The Church would not have declared her a saint if she was not a Catholic.

When was Saint Constantine proclaimed as saint?

Constantine is only considered a saint in the Orthodox Church and was not canonized or declared a saint in the Catholic Church.

Is there a minimum age for the one to be declared a saint in the Catholic Church?

There is no minimum age,

What person was made Saint by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920?

Roman Catholic AnswerSaint Joan of Arc was declared a saint by Pope Benedict XV in 1920. Please see the website at the link below:

Who can be a saint?

Any followers of Jesus who do good and avoid doing evil could be considered as saints but to be declared a saint by the Catholic Church involves an intensive investigation of the person's life after they have died.

What is Saint Julia of Corisca a patron of?

Saint Julia of Corisca is the patron saint of Corscia in the Roman Catholic Church. Julia was declared a patroness of Corscia by the church on August 5, 1809. Saint Julia's feast day is May 22 in the Roman Catholic calendar.

Can you be declared a saint?

The Catholic Church does not make saints. Only God can do that. The Catholic Church simply does and intensive investigation of a person's life to determine if they are, indeed, in Heaven and worthy to be role models for Christians on earth. Any person who dies in a state of grace is in heaven and considered a saint but few of them are investigated to be officially recognized as saints. It takes a person who lived a life of heroic virtue to be considered for the title of saint.

What does it mean when did your saint become a saint?

It means when did the saint get canonize or when did the Church declare that person to be a saint. Canonization/canonize is when the Catholic church declares a dead person to be a saint. It's a long and lengthy process to declare/canonize a person to be a saint.

Is there a St. Thomas a Kempis?

Thomas à Kempis has yet to be declared a Blessed or a Saint by the Roman Catholic Church.

Is there a saint named Sheryl in the Catholic Church?

Yes, there is a Saint Cheryl in the Catholic church.

Did Saint Catherine of Siena become a Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church?

Just for your information: There is no such thing as the Roman Catholic Church. That is a term developed by the Protestant Church of England meant to denigrate the Catholic Church. There is just the Catholic Church and all those other non-Catholic religions.

Who was the second Catholic saint?

The Church has no records from the earliest years recording the dates individuals were declared as saints by the local communities.