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Q: Who was the leader of the British army during the Revoulutionary War and surrendered at Yorktown?
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What contributions did Charles Cornwallis make during the American revolution?

he was the British general of the British army, and surrendered at Yorktown.

Who surrendered at Yorktown during the revolutionary war?

Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis ( December 31, 1738 –5 October 5, 1805) was the British commander who surrendered his army at Yorktown.

When and where did the war end?

The Revolutionary War ended on October 19, 1781 at Yorktown, Virginia. Lord Cornwallis of the British army surrendered when their headquarters was attacked during the Battle of Yorktown.

Where did the British surrender that ended the American Revolution?

at Yorktown, General Cornwallis was unable to retreat because Washington's Army surrounded him on land, and the French fleet of ships surrounded him on sea, so General Cornwallis surrendered and the colonies won the Revolutionary War.

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Henry Clinton was a British military commander. he fought for the British.

Where did George Washington accepted the surrender of the British?

During the American Revolution, the most important surrender by British troops took place in Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781. There, with the help of French troops and naval forces, it was General George Washington who received the surrender of a British force, led by Lord Cornwallis, that had been surrounded, blockaded, and then finally defeated.

Who lost at Yorktown during American Revolutionary War?


Who trapped the British army during the battle of Yorktown?

A fleet of French warships.

What was the importance of the battle of Yorktown?

—After 3 weeks of bombardment from Washington General Cornwallis surrendered Yorktown. Yorktown was an important strategies fort commercially because of its ports. The battle of Yorktown led to the victory of the Patriots.It was the last battle of the Civil War where the British surrendered to the U.S.The Battle of Yorktown was important because it was part of the American Revolution and a lot of the outcomes of the Battle of Yorktown affected the outcome of our independence and the revolutionary war.AnswerThe battled of Yorktown is important because it ended the Revolutionary War. George Washington and the French took over Cornwallis's camp of 5,000 men. Cornwallis lost power of Virginia and was forced to surrender.

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At the Battle of Yorktown the British surrendered and as they did so a British band played the song "The World Turned Upside Down". The Battle of Yorktown was the last battle in the American Revolutionary War.

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When and at which battlefield did the American Revolution War end?

The Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle during the American Revolution, and General Charles Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown on October 19, 1781. Although the Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle during the revolution, minor battles and fighting still occurred for the next two years.