

Who was the legendary woman Catholic nun?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Certainly one candidate would be Mother Theresa, who ran a hospital and hospice in India. There she and other sisters took care of the poorest of the poor who were ill or dying, treating them with dignity and kindness.

Catholic AnswerA nun is a woman religious who has taken solemn vows of Stability, Conversatio Morum, and Obedience, and lives in a monastery full time. The most famous nun was St. Scholastica, the twin sister of St. Benedict. Another very famous nun was St. Teresa of Jesus, more commonly know as St. Teresa of Avila, she was a Carmelite, and thus took vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience, rather than the Benedictine vows. St. Teresa of Avila reformed the Carmelite Order starting the Discalced Carmelites, and wrote several works on prayer and the Spiritual Life which have never been outdone, she, along with her confrere, St. John of the Cross, are the primary sources for our information on deep prayer and mystical contemplation. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, although legendary even in her lifetime was a Catholic Sister, not a nun.
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"nun" is a palindrome that means 'a religious woman'.


A nun is a woman who has taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience and lives a religious life dedicated to prayer, service, and worship. Nuns may belong to various religious orders within the Catholic Church or other Christian denominations.

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To say "Catholic nun" in Yiddish, you would say "katolisher nonne."

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Roman Catholic AnswerA woman who has taken religious vows is usally called a sister. In the case of a woman who has taken solemn vows in a monastery, they are called a nun. All of them, including men, are referred to as "religious".

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Widowed, yes, but the divorce concept is against the teaching of the Catholic church. Unless the divorce was allowed by the church, you may have a hard time to get into being a nun. Of course, there maybe certain exceptions to this, such as a difficult marriage ect, but this divorce should have been removed by the Church first before you can considering becoming a nun.

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A woman who takes religious vows is called a nun.

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A nun is a woman who has taken a vow to live for God. She will never marry and usually likes on the site of her parish. If you are a nun then you are a nun, it a life commitment.

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A nun is not really a nun if she is not officially recognized by the Catholic Church as a member of a religious order or if she does not take religious vows. Additionally, a person who pretends to be a nun for personal gain or deception purposes is not truly a nun.