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Adolph Hitler, chancellor of the Third Reich (Germany's official name from 1933 to 1945), instituted a policy of genocide to make Europe judenrein, or free of Jews, in a process that eventually culminated in the systematic murder of millions (some estimate up to 9 million).

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Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party

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Q: Who was the mass murder European Jews?
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Who was the mass murder of European Jews?

6.8 million

The holocaust was the Nazis’ mass murder of?

European Jews

What was the mass murder of the European Jews?


The Holocaust was the Nazi's mass murder of who?

The Nazis killed mainly Jews in the holocaust but also people who were 'feeble minded', 'crippled', and even POWs.

What was the Holocaust and Genocide?

The holocaust was when Hitler tried to eliminate the Jews by mass murder and genocide. The cause was antisemitism turned evil.

Who was the mass murder of European Jews and other people by Adolf Hitler during world war 2?

Holocaust. This was done by the Germans under the orders of Hitler in WWII.

What is the biggest mass murder of all time?

i am guessing the genocide of the Jews

How did the nazi terrorize control and punish Jews?

By mass murder in an attempt to exterminate them

What was Hitler's Mass Murder?

The Holocaust, where he was responsible for the killing of about 6 million Jews.

Death camp?

Built by Nazis to carry out the mass extermination of Jews through gas chambers along with other brutal methods; included Chelmno and Auschwitz; many would have crematoriums built to hide the evidence of this mass murder

What was the mass munder of the European Jews in World War 2?

It is known as 'The Holocaust'.

Who were victims of hitlers mass murder?

Jews, gays, poles, anyone against his regime, etc.