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William sherman

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Q: Who was the most hated man in the south in the civil war?
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Was Lincoln a popular president?

People liked Lincoln and voted for the friendly, homespun boy that could entertain with his stories. People were impressed with his reasoning and logic during his campaign for president. But, at the time he was president the answer would be 'NO'. Abraham Lincoln was the most hated man in the world. The Pope, the French, and the English hated him. Most of the people in the southern half of the nation hated him. In the North, people were afraid to disagree with his polices because they would be thrown in jail as a dissident. He was not popular in the North or the South. Things began to change when the North started winning the war. After the Civil War, people looked at him as the person that kept the country united. When he was assassinated, those that hated him felt guilty and began to look upon him as a hero. After his death, people reexamined his words and speeches and found great ideas and humanity.

What did Hiram revels do in the Civil War?

he was the congess man and he helped someone in the civil war

How was the life in north different from the south?

In the North prejudice and racism werent practiced as much as in the South. The North integrated schools and didnt segregate races. Although some whites' personalities havent changed about blacks during the civil war, their policies of racism werent as harsh as the south. The South enacted the Jim Crow Laws. These were a set of laws that segregated blacks and whites. They had colored watering ftns, colored schools, and seperated everything, and gave the colored people bad quality. If a man even looked at a white person the wrong way they could be killed. (See Emmet Till Case) Southerners basically hated blacks. So they treated them bad. The North was more open to black and whites together and were nicer than the south.

What was a rebel during the civil war?

A rebel was a confederate so a rebel just was a southern man in the civil war,

How were letters sent during the civil war?

by a man on a horse