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the habour master.

i suppose the admiral who planned the attack Yamamoto isoroku was the most important

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Q: Who was the most important person in pearl harbor?
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What is the most important thing about the attack of Pearl Harbor?

Pearl Harbor is what had caused World War II, I believe that's the most important thing.

Why did the Japanese bomb pearl Harbor why not anywhere else?

Japan could not be most powerful if the United State's Navy ruled the sea, and Pearl Harbor was important, because it was in the middle of the sea.

What was the most important event in World War 2?

Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor,and Americans reply as atomic bombs was the most important event

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The most famous seaport in Hawaii is Pearl Harbor on the main Hawaiian island of Oahu.

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In the attack of the Pearl harbor the United States did lose most of its battleship.

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To me, the most famous survivor of the Pearl Harbor attack was inspirational speaker and motivator Earl Nightingale.

How did different people view Pearl Harbor?

Most US citizens NEVER heard of Pearl Harbor until it was attacked.

What were the jobs of women at pearl harbor?

Most were nurses.

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Pearl Harbor

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What is the most important battle of Pearl Harbor?

Pearl Harbor was one battle. The most important facts were the USA aircraft carriers weren't there and the Japanese weren't able to attack them, so the carriers led the way to victory against the Japan. Also, Japan only launched two air strikes against the bases at Pearl Harbor. If they had launched a third, they could have bombed the oil reserves, the dry docks, and the submarine pens, and further hurt the USA ability to strike back.

The most important event leading to the United states involvement was?

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor followed by the Japanese declaration of war on the United States.