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The Japanese Attacked on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and Franklin D. Roosevelt was the President of United States of America. He remained the US President from the period of 1933 to 1945.

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The US president at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor was Franklin D. Roosevelt.
president roosevelt

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14y ago

Franklin D. Roosevelt.

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Q: Who was the president of America when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor?
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Franklin Roosevelt was President when Japan attacked Pearl harbor in 1941.

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Japan they attacked pearl harbor

Who attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941?

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Because Japan, which was an Axis Power, attacked them on Pearl Harbor ?

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Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because they wanted it. So after that America declared war on Japan and that caused the war in the Pacific

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Japan attacked the Americans at Pearl Harbor , Hawaii .

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The Japanese attacked America by aerially assualting pearl harbor the reason is i believe Germany put pressure on japan forcing japan to attack pearl harbor

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Did America attack Japan after Japan attacked pearl harbor?

Yes. It was a thing we both shouldn't have done cause that led us into the war deeper.

Why is it important to understand the reasons japan attacked Peral Harbor?

so kids will know why they attacked pearl harbor