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Q: Who was the prophet that ran from God but God caught up with you?
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Who was the prophet out of the old testament that ran from God but God caught up with him?

Firstly, it wasn't a prophet that ran away from God it was Jonah. Blimey, you can't even ask the question correctly.

Why do the Muslims have to face Kaaba when they pray?

It is per Allah (or God and same God in Christianity and Judaism) command. Kabah is the first God house on earth and was raised up by prophet Ibrahim (or Abraham) together with his son prophet Ismael.

Is prophet Muhammad's father Muslim?

Yes, he was Muslim. He died before birth of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Accordingly, Prophet Muhammad's father died before the prophesy of prophet Muhammad and before God revelation of Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). However, his father was believing in God (Allah). His father name is Abdullah which is an Arabic name that means 'slave of Allah (God)'.

What is between prophet mohamed and jeriselm?

he get up from jurslem to the sky and the God show hem his messege to the world

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Yes two runners sped passed her but wilma caught up and ran

What was Muhammad's prophet?

Simple put, it was the Quran, word-for-word Gods words delivered by Prophet Muhammed. This was fortold in Deuteronomy 18:15,18. * Deuteronomy 18:15 (Moses says) The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own brothers. You must listen to him. ... * Deuteronomy 18:18 (God says) I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him

Who climbed up mount sinai and recorded the ten commandments?

It was the great prophet Moses who climbed up Mount Sinai to collect the ten commandments from God.

Who is the last God prophet?

Answer AAll people were created on the principle of submission to God (Islam) and given the choice to have faith and submission to God (Islam) or to deviate from Islam and worship idols or partners to God. Accordingly all prophets; including Noah, Abraham , Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (Peace be upon them) are sent by God to reorient people to right path to God by calling them to Islam (submission to God).Islam is an Arabic word that means submission and surrender to God (as the one and only one God). In this sense Islam began by the universe creation where all God creatures were created under their submission (Islam) to God. Upon start of mankind, they are taught through God prophets to be on full submission (Islam) to God.All prophet missions; including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them), was to hold submission (Islam) to the one and only one God, the Creator, with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, no associate, and no resemblance (defined as monotheism).In this sense:Islam per God revelation of Torah to Moses is called Judaism.Islam per God revelation of the bible to Jesus is called Christianity.Islam per God revelation of Quran to Muhammad is called the very name Islam.Accordingly, the last God prophet is prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).Islam religion per God revelation of Quran to prophet Muhammad was founded by the start of Quran revelation by God to prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril) in Mecca (currently in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) in year 610 AD. Quran revelation continued also when the prophet (peace be upon him) migrated to Medina (also in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) until prophet death in year 632 AD.However, some Christians don't believe neither in prophet Muhammad as God prophet nor in Quran as God holy book. In the meantime, they believe that Jesus is not only last God prophet but also as God or son of God.Also, Some Jews don't believe in neither prophet Muhammad nor Jesus. Accordingly, they believe that Moses is last God prophet.Refer to questions below for more information.Answer BThis question makes no sense unless you define your premise: the last prophet according to whom? Anyone can run out into the street and claim to be a prophet, and some people believe that prophecy does not exist at all. So you need to ask: "Who was the last prophet of Islam/Christianity/Sikhism/...etc.?" As believed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) the current Prophet of God is Thomas S. Manson, the leader of the LDS church. The last/previous Prophet was Gorden B. Hickley who passed away Jan 27th, 2008. If you find this hard to believe, pick up a Book of Mormon, read it prayerfully, and sincerely pray to God and ask if this is true. However, the last Prophet; as spoken of in the Qur'an and Islamic tradition; is prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).The Jews believe that the last prophet was Malachi in the Old Testament. Mainstream Christianity believes John the Baptist to be the last prophet since as Jesus was God himself, he could not be a prophet. The Baha'i believe that Baha'ullah was the last prophet. The Ahmadiyya believe it to be Ahmed Mirza Ghulam. The last prophet of Church of God and Saints of Christ was William S. Crowdy. The list could go on...but all of these religions believe that these prophets (who are the last prophet according to them) received revelations from the singular Monotheistic God.

Who first came up with Islam?

There are two concepts for Islam; namelyIslam in its general sense as full submission to God, the Creator; as the one and only God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence. In this sense the first who came up with Islam were Adam and Eve.Islam per Quran revelation by God to prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (or Jibril) that started in year 610 AD through 632 AD (year of the prophet Muhammad's death). In this sense, the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the first who came up with Islam

What do christians mean when they say 'The kingdom of god'?

Where there is a prophet,a priest, or a righteous man unto whome God gives oracles, there is the kingdon of God; and where the oracles of God are not, there the kingdom of God is not. As to the actual Kingdom of God this will be set up when Christ comes again to rule and reign upon the earth.

Where did prophet Nathan grow up?

He was a Prophet from Judea.

Who was the first prophet and the last prophet?

The answer to this question depends entirely on the religion in question.According to Judaism, the two answers are different. The Greatest Prophet was Moses. The Last Prophet was Malachi.According to Christianity, there is much contention over who was the Greatest Prophet, between Moses, Isaiah, John the Baptist and others. John the Baptist, however, was certainly the Last Prophet in Christianity. (Jesus Christ is not a prophet since a prophet must be someone separate from God who receives visions from God. Since Jesus Christ is God, he cannot be also be a prophet.)According to Islam, the Greatest Prophet and the Last Prophet are both Mohammed.According to Baha'i, the Greatest Prophet and the Last Prophet are the Baha'ullah.The list goes on...