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Slave trading started in Europe where then after a few centuries American found out what they have been doing. America didn't start it, but followed what the Europeans had started. The first of Slave trading started in Jamestown where it then grew to the rest of America

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Q: Who was to blame for the slave trade?
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Why were the African Kings to be blamed for the Slave Trade?

sometimes African tribal kings would use capture and use men from other tribes to sell to the slave trade in exchange for weapons. They cant be blamed for the slave trade but they did help it along so in a way they kind of are to blame

Kind of trade that could not be prohibited before 1808?

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Commerce and slave trade compromise

How did the end of the international slave trade affect the institution of slave trade?

Slave families were split up and sold as part of the domestic slave trade.

When was the abolition of the slave trade?

the slave trade was abolished in 1807.

Which type of trade replaced slave trade?

After the trans-Atlantic slave trade was declared illegal and later eliminated, it was replaced by legitimate trade (non-slave trade).

What did the Atlantic slave trade trade?

slaves hence the name Atlantic SLAVE trade

Was the Atlantic Slave Trade the first kind of slave trade occurring in Africa?

No. Slavery and the slave trade had been going on in Africa for centuries before the Atlantic Slave trade came into being.

When the international slave trade ended how did the slave trade continue?

Slave families were split up

The diary entry of a slave in the transatlantic slave trade?

african slave trade was a horrible time