

Best Answer

Everybody enters the afterlife, but they are not treated equally there. One is treated according to his/her actions while alive.

Answer 2:

As is confirmed by near-death experience research, we are all judged on the Other Side by a nonliving, higher power known as The Light of God, The Breath of God, and simply The Light. This higher power dictates our ability to ascend or expand our consciousness to a spiritual dimension of energy. We are judged by our application (or lack thereof) of The Golden Rule, by our selflessness (or selfishness), and by our ability to love genuinely and deeply - which corresponds to our ability to radiate spiritual white light.

All souls are immortal. But the quality and impact of our immortality on the Other Side is largely determined by our spirituality - not our religion - before our bodily death. The Light is not a respecter of groups or religions and cares only about our character and selflessness. We are all held accountable for our actions and even our intentions. There is no vicarious atonement for our karmic debts and we are obligated to amend them in The Light.

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Q: Who was worthy of an afterlife and why?
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What power did osiris have?

Osiris was the ruler of the underworld, had power over the dead, the afterlife and re-birth.

In Egyptian mythology where the afterlife weighed on the pureness of there heart?

The weighing of the heart was when someone would go into the after life and there heart would be weighed on the scales of truth if the heart weighed more than the feather of truth the person was not allowed in to the afterlife and there heart was tossed away!! if the heart weighed more than the feather it meant that the person was bad and not worthy enough for the afterlife .True stuff!!!!!!!

What is afterlife and why was it so important to the Egyptians?

The afterlife was the life after death and the egyptains believed that they would be much better in the afterlife. The afterlife was so important to the egyptians because they believed that a preserved body would come to life and they would be happier in the afterlife.

Why would you bring sports to the afterlife?

Not true, no one.brings sport to afterlife.

Why was the weighing of the heart ceremony important?

The heart of a dead body was weighed on a scale. On one side of the scale there was a feather and on the opposite side, a heart. If the heart was heavier than the feather, it meant that the dead body's soul would not make it to afterlife and the person's soul and body would be vulnerable to the demons of the underworld. If the heart was lighter than the feather it meant that this person had done good deeds in his life and he would enter afterlife and live in paradise for eternity. Hope that helped! I'm studying this at the moment! :)

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In Egyptian mythology where the afterlife weighed on the pureness of there heart?

The weighing of the heart was when someone would go into the after life and there heart would be weighed on the scales of truth if the heart weighed more than the feather of truth the person was not allowed in to the afterlife and there heart was tossed away!! if the heart weighed more than the feather it meant that the person was bad and not worthy enough for the afterlife .True stuff!!!!!!!

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The Egyptians believed that when they died the God Anubis would weight their heart against the feather of truth to determine if they were worthy to go into the afterlife. If the heart was balanced they would go into the afterlife, if not the heart would be feed to Ammut, the devourer of the dead. The deseased would go no further.

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A synonym for afterlife is Heaven.

What is the past tense of worthy?

The word worthy is an adjective. In the English languague, only verbs have a past tense. Adjectives don't. So whether you are saying I am worthy, or I was worthy, or I am going to be worthy, or I should have been worthy, the word worthy does not change.

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yes they do believe in afterlife

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