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They did not have leaders. Although they worshiped many gods and godesses. They believed if they prayed to these gods and godesses that what they prayed to a specific god or godess it would come true

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Q: Who were leaders in ancient Greece?
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In ancient Greece a tyrant differed from other leaders in that he?

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In ancient Greece how frequently did the leaders change and how were changes made?

Leaders in ancient greece changed every while. Leaders were selected once the previous leader died. All male citizens voted for the new leader. The assembly picked five ephors to enforce laws and collect taxs.

How are athens and Sparta simmilar?

They were both superpowers in Ancient Greece, and were the leaders of their alliances - the Peloponnessian league and the Athenian Empire.

How frequently did leaders change ancient Greece?

Every year 50 council men were voted. In early ancient Greece democracy the major leaders were voted every 10 years then it was reduced to 6 years and finally reduced more to just one year.

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In Ancient Greece In Ancient Greece In Ancient Greece

How could you get rid of ancient Greek leaders?

There really was no 'ancient Greece' if by that you mean a single country with leaders. There were only city-states -- each with its own leaders. How to get rid of leaders? Killing them is a tried and true way. Otherwise, at least in Athens, they were a true democracy -- every free citizen got a vote.

Who were the main leaders of ancient Greece?

Some were Alexander the great, Pythagorous, Zeus and ME! just kidding but there are more I cant name

How frequently did the ancient Greece leaders change?

every 10 years, then it was every 6 years, then finally every year.