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If it is the correct World War 2 I am thinking of [the world war that was between the USA and Germany], then here are some pople I know.

- Bill Guarnere

- Buck Compton

- Dick Winters (not funny for anyone who laughs)

- Joe Toye

- Donald Powers

- Lewis Nixon

- (Lastname) Perconte

- (Lastname) Lipton

- (Lastname) O'keefe

- (Lastname) Randleman

- (Lastname) Malarkey

- (Lastname) Webster

- (Lastname) Jones

- (Lastname) Liebgott

Those are the only people I can think of from the top of my head. I am so sorry for any misspelling of names or completely incorrect names. I hope this answers your question.

:) Thank you for asking.

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Q: Who were some men who fought in the World War 2?
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What did men do in World War 2?

they fought

How many men and women fought in World War I?

Very few women 'fought' in World War 1. Over 30 million men fought, & more than 8 million men died.

Did men fight in World War I?

Yes, many men fought in the world war 1. There were soldiers as well as ordinary men.

How many men die in World War 2?

They had many men fought 4,654,743,455 They had many men fought 4,654,743,455

How many Australian men fought in World War 2?

About a million.

What kind of jobs do men have in Australia?

Your question doesn't make sense, but most men in Australia during world war two fought in the war. Some that didn't go help support the war

How did World War 2 alter the world?

world war 2 altered our view on wars being fought with men and tanks, now can be fought with a push of a button. also it made some funky bomb craters filled with corpses and carcasses

Where to find the names of the men that fought in world war 2?

go to

How old were men in world war 2?

Many of the men who fought in WW2 were boys right out of school.

How many Czechoslovakians fought in World War 2?

1 280 000 men

What roles did men have?

The men fought in the war

How many millions men fourth in World War I?

Approximately 65 million combatants fought in World War 1.