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Q: Who were some of the delegates who stood out in the Conventions in1787?
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Why do some people prefer conventions rather than state legislature for the ratification of amendment?

Convention delegates better represent the people's will.convention delegates better represent the peoples will

Why do some people ratifying conventions rather than state legislatures for the ratification of amendments?

Convention delegates better represent the people's will.convention delegates better represent the peoples will

Why do some people prefer ratifying conventions rather than state legislatures for the ratification of amendments?

Convention delegates better represent the people's will.convention delegates better represent the peoples will

How are candidates for president and vice president officially nominated?

They are nominated by a vote of the delegates at the respective party nominating conventions. Some of the delegates are bound to vote in accordance with the results of an earlier state primary election or caucus.

What are the two major processes used to select delegates to national conventions?

Delegates are chosen by primary elections in which anybody can vote, as well as by party caucuses, that is by election by party leaders.

Why do some people prefer ratifying conventions rather than state legislatures for the ratifictaion of amendments?

Convention delegates better represent the people's will.

What do political parties hold a nation convention on?

Both major political parties and some minor political parties hold national conventions every four years prior to the Presidential Election. Democrats elect most delegates from the states and territories. Some are appointed (superdelegates)-approximately 4,000 delegates overall. The Republicans State-elect 2,500 delegates. The purpose is two-fold. They establish a platform (stance) on national issues. They elect a Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominee. The conventions govern by rules that may be newly established at each convention.

Were the delegates to the second continental congress ready to revolt against George 3 explain why?

Some of the delegates called for a war; others, for peace. Once again they compromised. Although the Congress did not openly revolt, delegates showed their growing dissatisfaction. They sent word to colonial authorities asking for new state constitutions. States set up conventions to write them.

What do they do in case of tie in the presidential nomination vote?

The delegates would all vote again if a ballot was a tie. Before the vote, they would have a chance to meet and discuss their next vote. There have been many votes at some conventions before some one got a majority.

Do they have cosplay competitons?

Some conventions do, yes.

What did some delegates to the constitutional convention think that a republic would protect?

what did some delegates to the constitutional convention think a republic would do

What number of delegates actually attended the Constitutional Convention?

39 delegates signed the Constitution, or 71% of the 55 delegates who attended the convention. Most of those who did not sign had left the convention early -- some for personal reasons, and some out of protest.