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Grover Cleveland just barely beat James Blaine in 1884.

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Q: Who were the candidates in the presidential election of 1884 Who won?
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A presidential election is won by candidates who?

A presidential election is won by the candidate who receives a majority of the electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College.

Who won the presidential election of 1884?

Grover Cleveland defeated James Blaine in 1884.

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Garfield 1880, Cleveland 1884, Wilson 1912, Kennedy 1960, Carter 1976, GW Bush 2000 and 2004.

Who lost the presidential election of 1884 to Cleveland?

His opponent was James G. Blaine. Grover Cleaveland won the election.

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But still lost the election. Your welcome.

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The 1896 United States presidential election was a contest between William McKinley, representing the Republican Party, and William J. Bryan, representing the Democratic Party. McKinley won the election.