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Adolf Hitler-Germany

Benito Mussolini-Italy

Josef stalin-Russia

general tojo-Japan

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Joseph Starlin - USSR

Benito Mussolini - Italy

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Q: Who were the dictators in Europe during ww2?
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Why did totalitarian dictators come to power in Europe after ww2?

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Who was the dictators in Europe during the cold war?

Well, the dictators aren't really new, since WW2 took place in the late 1930's to the middle of the 1940's, but the big main dictators in Europe were: Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler. Sorry, I don't really know the first names. You can look for them. It's fairly easy if you look. The web is very easy to use. : )

What did the dictators in Europe do during the war?

the dictators basically told people to kill people and what the battle plan was in the case of a battle

When did Europe surrender during World War 2?

Europe did not surrender during WW2.

What was going on with Europe and the us during the Korean War?

Europe & the US were recovering from WW2. Korea was fought by MANY WW2 veterans and WW2 equipment.

What was the main reason for the rise of the dictators in EUrope and Asia during the 1930s?

The main reason for the rise of dictators in Europe and Asia during the 1930s was the fact that the dictators who were in charge at the time promised the people that the country would experience economic recovery. This was a period of time when the people were very poor and looking for a way out of poverty.

What was the main reason for the rise of dictators in Europe and Asia during the 1930' s?

Within Europe powerful dictators rose in Germany, Italy, and Spain, and within Asia, a powerful dictator rose to power in Japan.

Did America fought Europe country during WW2?

What? I have no idea what you are asking.

Where did the US fight during WW2?

The US fought in Europe and Japan during WW2.

What battle helped end the war in Europe during WW2?

Battle of the Bulge

How did world war 1 contribute to the rise of dictators in Europe?

After World War I, Europe was in a shambles. Boundaries were changed, and countries were formed and countries ceased to exist. The cost of the war left much of Europe destitute. This combination lead to the rise of nationalistic fervor in the defeated nations. There was such upheaval that the Nationalist flame outshone the other political ideologies. This gave rise to dictators.

What countries were conquered by Europe?

No countries were "conquered by Europe". During WW2 Europe was split between Germany and countries they attacked and neutral countries.