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I really don't know much but I have two in my brain

Giovanni Da Verrazano

Jacques Catier

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Q: Who were the early explorers of NY?
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What countries did the early explorers come from?

The early explorers come from Italy, Spain, and France.

Why were early explorers and cartographers fascinated by continental coastlines?

The early Spanish explorers were looking for Silver and Gold!early explorers set out to find new land for the rest of their tribesthe natives taught early explorers about how to use herbs for medicine

What did early explorers set out to do?

early explorers set out to find new land for the rest of their tribes

What did natives teach early explorers?

Natives taught early explorers survival skills, navigation methods, local geography, and sustainable practices for living off the land. They also shared knowledge about medicinal plants, food sources, and cultural traditions, which greatly influenced the explorers' understanding of the new territories they encountered.

Who were famous explorers of NY?

Henry Hudson, an English navigator, explored the Hudson River and Hudson Bay in the early 17th century. Giovanni da Verrazzano, an Italian explorer, was the first European to enter New York Harbor in 1524. Samuel de Champlain, a French explorer, mapped the northern regions of New York in the early 17th century.

Who were the western explorers who had early contact with the incas?

Europeans & Spanish explorers.

Who were the early maori explorers?

The early Maori explorers were skilled navigators and seafarers who voyaged across the vast Pacific Ocean in ocean-going canoes known as waka. These intrepid explorers settled in New Zealand around 800 years ago, and their voyages demonstrate their advanced knowledge of navigation and their courage to travel great distances across open seas. Some notable early Maori explorers include Kupe, Hoturapa, and Turi.

Who were the explorers that had contact with the civilization?

. Who were the western explorers who had early contact with the mayan civilization?

What were the spanish explorers looking for?

The early Spanish explorers were looking for Silver and Gold!

Is believed that Taiwan is the original home of these early Oceania explorers?

Is believed that Taiwan is the original home of these early Oceania explorers ok

What would explorers use as a toilet?

early explorers used the ground or a hole in the ground.

What sickness did early explorers get?

Early explorers from Europe were subject to mainly scurvy, because of the lack of vitamin c in their diet(fresh fruits)