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The Story of the First Americans When did modern humans colonize the Americas? From where did they come and what routes did they take? These questions have gripped scientists for decades, but until recently answers have proven difficult to find. New techniques of molecular genetic analysis, and a reinvigorated search for early archaeological sites across the western hemisphere, recently have led to some astounding results. From genetics we now know that a single population of modern humans dispersed from southern Siberia toward the Bering Land Bridge as early as ~30,000 years ago, and further dispersed from Beringia to the Americas after ~16,500 years ago. From archaeology, we know that the first Americans appeared south of the Canadian ice sheets by ~15,000 years ago, 2000 years before the emergence and spread of Clovis. The route taken by the first explorers appears to have been along the recently deglaciated north Pacific coastline.(Source:

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Q: Who were the first people ever to discover America Were they from Asia during the Ice age when there was a land bridge between Asia and North America?
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During the ice age the bottom of Bering Strait became?

... a land bridge between Asia and North America.

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When did humans migrate across the land bridge between Asia and North America?

It is believed that humans migrate across the land bridge between Asia and North America about 25,000 years ago. However, this is not definite as some historians argue it could be about 70,000 years ago.this id wrong info

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Some scholars think that people migrated from Asia to North America during the ice age because the Bering Strait (the narrow body of water between Asia and North America) during the ice age became shallower which made the land underwater uncovered which formed a bridge between Asia and North America.

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the first humans reached North America during the Ice Age when they were following animals during the Ice Age. The animals were looking for a warmer area to live so they had crossed the Bering Strait, a land bridge that connected Asia to North America, the first Americans had crossed the Bering Strait.

According to many anthropologists, a land bridge during the ice age allowed migration between which two countries.1.south america and north america2.north america and and north america4.europe and asia?

North America

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It is believed that nomadic people crossed the Bering Strait into North America. It is believed that this even occurred during a time when the strait between Alaska and Serbia formed an ice bridge.

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