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Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (or has he was known by, Santa Anna)

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Q: Who were the generals for Mexico in the war of the Mexican American war?
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Who were the two American generals that attacked Mexico at the time of the Mexican American war?

Stephen Kearny was the first to lead troops into Mexican territory during the war. John D. Sloat led a fleet behind him for military reinforcement.

Who were the American commanders in the Mexican American War?

Generals Scott, Taylor and Kearny.

Who was the American General in the Mexican American War?

Generals Scott, Taylor and Kearny.

What 4 us presidents served as generals in the Mexican American war?

The 4 us presidents who were mexican american war generals for the u.s. were:Zachary TaylorMillard FillmoreFranklin PierceUlysses S. Grant

A general of the American troops in the Mexican-American War?

Generals Scott, Taylor and Kearny.

List of American Generals in the Mexican American War?

General Scott, Taylor and Kearny.

Where was the Mexican-American War?

The Mexican-American War, or simply the Mexican War as it was previously known, was fought mostly in southern Texas and northern Mexico, central Mexico, and southern California.

What nation did we defeat in the Mexican American War?

The US won the Mexican American War against Mexico.

Who are the two American generals who led invasions into Mexico?

Gen. Winfield Scott - invasion of Veracruz and Mexico City - Mexican -American war 1846-1848. Gen. Zachary Taylor commanded the northern troops with the US-Mexico border.

What was it like in the Mexican American war?

In Mexico, most people had no idea what the war was about, and they never saw the Americans as the enemy, Santana, was more of a pain, and sevral Generals did not back his war efforts that is why, we lost the war.

Why did Arizona become part of Mexico?

Arizona was formed from land that the US obtained from Mexico after the Mexican American War.

Where did the Mexican American war happen at?

the mexican-american war happened in new mexico california rebublic,northern