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Q: Who were the last 2 countries to abolish slavery?
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What was the first america colony to abolish slavery?

The first of the 13 British colonies in America to abolish slavery was Rhode Island. This was done in 1774, 2 years before the American Revolution in 1776.

What were the 2 main reasons civil war was fought?

Well the main reason was to abolish slavery

What are some causes of the Civil War?

1.The South wanted to secede from the union, but the North wanted to stay as one country. 2.The North wanted to abolish slavery but the South wanted to keep slavery 3.The North placed a tarrif and Southerners thought it was unfair 4.North wanted to abolish slavery, South wanted to keep it.

What were Abrahams goals?

Abraham Lincoln's had two main goals. Number 1, to keep the Union together, therefore, the war takes place. And Number 2, to abolish slavery. Abraham Lincoln's had two main goals. Number 1, to keep the Union together, therefore, the war takes place. And Number 2, to abolish slavery.

Abolitionist in a sentence?

The great John Brown, as a revolutionary abolitionist, was against slavery to the point of advocating and practicing armed insurrection as a means to abolish it. John Brown (May 9, 1800 -- December 2, 1859) was a revolutionary abolitionist in the United States, who in the 1850s advocated and practiced armed insurrection as a means to abolish slavery. (Wikipedia)

What were the 2 colors of the civil war?

Soldiers fighting for the Union (sometimes called the North), who wanted to abolish slavery, wore the color blue. Soldiers for the Confederacy (sometimes called the South), who preferred to keep slavery, wore the color gray.

How would the US be different if the Confederacy had won the US Civil War?

America would be divded up into 2 countries, the North and South, or possibly 3, North, South and West. "Southern North America" may still have some form of legal slavery today or if not, blacks would be 2nd class citizens. The last nation to abolish slavery was Brazil late in the 19th century. Clearly the Confederacy even if only for economic progress, would have abolished slavery in due time and proceeded to keep its agricultural economy and also invest in the 19th Century's Industrial Revolution.

Who used slavery?

Many countries used slavery.USA,Britain are 2 of the most famous countries to use slavery.Also lots of African tribes would use slavery.Also the Roman empire used slavery.

What success did it have in getting state laws to abolish slavery?

well Great Britan had ended it and they thought it would be easier 2 trade resources in Africa rather than slaves and they ended it in 1880

What was the best way that Harriet Beecher Stowe believed that Northerners could do to abolish slavery?

Harriet Beecher Stowe was a very spiritual person, with a great faith in God. Her plea to Northerners was to erase slavery by doing the following:1. Personal conversion to be intolerant to slavery; 2. Pray to God for the end of slavery; and 3. To invite their Black neighbors to their white schools, churches and into their homes.

What goals did Abraham Lincoln set out to achieve?

Abraham Lincoln's had two main goals. Number 1, to keep the Union together, therefore, the war takes place. And Number 2, to abolish slavery. Abraham Lincoln's had two main goals. Number 1, to keep the Union together, therefore, the war takes place. And Number 2, to abolish slavery.

Why slavery was abolished.?

Answer 1Slavery has not been abolished, meaning ended. Most countries have made it illegal.In the 1800s, those areas with slavery (or the semblance of it) were becoming more and more liberal, in line with the changing of the world at the time. Because of the rise in education and political awareness as well as the growing realization that people of different color or ethnicity were just as human as anyone else - in several countries, this was also due to what was best said in the words of Alexander II of Russia, paraphrased as "we must abolish it from the top down before it removes itself from the bottom up".Thus, slavery was abolished in many areas. This was formalized in 1948 with Article 4 of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and almost every country in the world has made slavery illegal in accordance with it.Answer 2Why a certain country abolished slavery depends entirely on the country in question. However, it was usually based on one or both of the following factors:(1) The country recognized slavery's moral incorrectness(2) The country faced economic or political consequences in the international community if it did not abolish slavery, especially when key trading partners or allies had already emancipated their slaves.