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Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins

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Q: Who were the other two astronauts that went with Neil Armstrong that went to the moon?
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Related questions

Who was the astronauts to land on the moon?

Neil Armstrong

What did Neil Armstrong do after the moon trip?

After the return to the earth safely. Neil Armstrong retired as a astronauts.

Neil Armstrong was associated with what event?

Neil Armstrong was associated with the lunar landing of 1969. The spacecraft called Apollo 11 took Neil Armstrong and other astronauts to the moon in July of 1969. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.

Who were the first 2 astronauts to walk on the moon?

The first two American astronauts to land on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin.

Who were the first astronauts on the moon?

The first astronauts to land on the moon were Americans, they were Neil Armstrong, and Edwin Aldrin.

What year did neil Armstrong walk the moon?

Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in the year 1969.

How many other astronauts have made successful visits to the moon since Neil Armstrong?


What other two astronauts were with neil armstrong when he went to the moon?

Aldrin Buzz and Michael Collins

Who were there to the journey to moon with neil amstrongs?

The other astronauts with Neil Armstrong on Apollo 11 were Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin.

Who are famous astronauts?

i would say neil armstrong because he was the first person to take a step on the moon with 2 other astronauts.

Who where first two astronauts who walk in the moon?

The first astronauts to walk on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin.

Why after neil Armstrong nobody cant land on moon?

10 astronauts from 5 separate missions walked on the moon after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.