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Renaissance scholars who studied classical texts included figures like Petrarch, Lorenzo Valla, and Marsilio Ficino. These scholars were interested in reviving classical knowledge from ancient Greece and Rome to spark a cultural and intellectual rebirth in Europe during the Renaissance period.

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Q: Who were the renaissance scholars that studied classical texts?
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Did many scholars of the renaissance recommend returning to the classics?

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Humanists were intellectuals during the Renaissance who studied classical texts in order to understand and appreciate human nature and achievements. They emphasized the value of education, individualism, and critical thinking. Key figures include Petrarch, Erasmus, and Pico della Mirandola.

What sources did people in the Renaissance use for learning?

During the Renaissance, people used a combination of ancient texts, such as those by Aristotle and Plato, as well as newly rediscovered classical texts. The printing press also allowed for wider distribution of knowledge, and universities became more prominent centers of learning. Additionally, patrons of the arts and sciences supported the work of scholars, artists, and inventors.

How did the Turks conquest of the Byzantine empire help contribute the Renaissance?

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How did the Turks conquest of the Byzantine Empire help contribute to the Renaissance?

During the 1300s, Turks had conquered much of the Byzantine Empire. Scholars seeking to escape the Turks fled to Italy. In their luggage these scholars carried rare, precious works of literature.Many of the works they brought to Italy were ancient classical writings, such as works by Greek thinkers. You may remember some of their names-Plato and Thucydides, for example. Europeans had thought that these ancient writings were lost forever. Excited by their return, scholars then went looking for ancient texts in Latin. They discovered many Latin texts in monasteries, where the monks had preserved works by Roman writers. As Italian scholars read the ancient texts, they rediscovered the glories of Greece and Rome. As a result, they longed for a renewal of classical culture.