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There are thousands of saints who were never priests, too many to list here.

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Q: Who were the saints who were not priests?
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What do you call the leaders and priests in Hindu religion?

The Priests are called Sadhus (Saints) or poojari. Meanwhile Leaders are called baba.

Why should priests become saints?

Who says priest should be saints? I know many who, in my book, would not qualify as saints when put up against such saintly priests as St. John Vianney or Padre Pio. The Roman collar worn by priests does not make them automatic saints any more than a football jersey of the Dallas Cowboys makes a fan a member of the NFL. If anything, priests are held to much higher standards than the average lay person as they are responsible for so many souls. A bad priest can turn many people away from God.

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Priests wear red on saints days as a symbol of martyrdom and sacrifice. Red is associated with the blood shed by martyrs and serves as a reminder of their faith and dedication to their beliefs. It is a way to honor and commemorate the saints who died for their religious convictions.

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The conclusion that worship of saints and the Virgin Mary is encouraged was NOT made at the Council of Trent.

Italian belief system what is it?

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Which Catholic priests wear white?

Roman Catholic AnswerReligious priests who wear white habits include Cisterians, Carthusians, and Dominicans. All priests wear a white alb over whatever else they have on when they start dressing for liturgical celebrations. Over that they wear a white chasuble for Christmas, Easter, and feasts of the Our Lord, Our Lady, the angels, and saints who are not martyrs.

What country sent priests to it's colonies to teach Indians about the Roman Catholic faith?

Here in the new world, I believe the country that sent the most priest over here to teach the native Americans the faith was Spain. There are currently, five Georgia martyrs being considered for canonization (declared Saints) by Rome, all five of them were Spanish friars. Spanish priests taught the faith to all the countries in South America save Brazil, those priests were from Portugal. Canada's priests were from France.

What are priests like?

What do you mean by what are priests like, they are just normal guys who go to church every sabith day (sunday) and read and explain the bible to christians or catholics. They also go to church on special days like saints day or name day and things like that. If you have a problem they can help you through it..etc..

Does Indonesia have priests?

Yes. Buddhist priests, Hindu priests, Catholic priests, Protestant ministers, Muslim Imams...

Are there currently any female priests in the Catholic Religion?

If you mean priests, no. There are no female Catholic priests

When did Saint Vincent become a priest?

Saint Vincent de Paul was ordained a priest on September 23, 1600.

What are priests today?

Priests will be priests: belong to the clergy, ministers of a Christian Church.