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Miep and Jan Gies are the two people in question.

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Q: Who were the two people that assisted the Franks while in hiding from the Nazis?
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What group are the Franks hiding from?

During World War II, the Franks were hiding from the Nazi regime in Amsterdam, Germany.

When is the exact date of when the Nazis discovered Anne franks hiding place?

August 4, 1944.

How did the Franks leave their house to go into hiding?

The Franks, a Jewish family, went into hiding in Amsterdam during World War II to escape persecution by the Nazis. They left their house by moving into a secret annex located above Otto Frank's business premises, where they lived in concealment for over two years until they were discovered and deported to concentration camps.

Where did the Franks went to hide?

The Morning the Franks left, they left there door open and their room a mess so it looked like they had been captured by the Nazis. They actually were hiding in Amsterdam in a secret room. The door to the room was a bookshelf and they had to be quiet during the day. The door was dead bolted, but someone found out they were there, they told the Nazis, and The Franks were caught.

Who was Mr koophuis?

Mr. Koophuis was a fictional character from the television series "Friends" who was supposedly Monica and Rachel's downstairs neighbor during season one. However, he was never shown on the show and was often just mentioned by the characters.

Why did Miep and Mr.Kraler are helping the Franks and the Van Daans?

Miep and Mr. Kraler helped the Franks and the Van Daans because they were moved by their plight and wanted to assist those in hiding from the Nazis. They took great risks to provide food, supplies, and support to the families in hiding in the secret annex.

What was a daily schedule for the Franks in hiding?

The Franks followed a strict routine in hiding, which typically consisted of waking up early, remaining quiet during the day, studying, doing household chores, and reading. They were not allowed to leave the hiding place and had to maintain silence to avoid detection by the Nazis. Their daily schedule was structured to minimize the risk of discovery and maintain a sense of normalcy while in hiding.

Why did Tonny Ahlers betray the franks?

Tonny Ahlers betrayed the Franks out of self-preservation. He gave information about their hiding place to the Nazis in order to secure his own safety and avoid being captured or punished.

When did the franks and van daans go into hiding?

The Franks and van Daans went into hiding on July 6, 1942, in Amsterdam during World War II. They lived in a hidden annex above Mr. Frank's business to escape persecution by the Nazis.

Who was arrested for helping the Franks hide from the Nazis?

Meip was arrested for helping the Franks

Why do the franks decide to go into hiding when they do?

The Franks chose to go into hiding in the secret annex in Amsterdam to avoid persecution and deportation by the Nazis during World War II. It was a means of protecting themselves and attempting to survive the dangerous circumstances of the Holocaust.

How were the franks discovered during the Holocaust?

No one really knows for sure, someone told the Nazis about their hiding place. I think :)