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Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound

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Q: Who were the two writers that had the most influence on the development of Hemingway's style?
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Who were the two writers who had the most influence on the development of Hemingways style?

Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound

What two writers had the most influence on the development of Hemingway's style?

gertrude stein ezra pound

Who were The two writers who had the most influence on the development of Hemingway's style?

Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound

Who of these correctly identifies the writers who had profound influence in Hemingway's style?

Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound

What is a writers style?

their style is to write

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He merged the Northern European with the Italian style, which affected the development all over Europe.

Is it true that The literature of Ancient Rome was the model for the literature of the Western world?

Yes, the literature of Ancient Rome, especially the works of Cicero, Virgil, and Ovid, had a significant influence on the development of literature in the Western world. Many Western writers looked to Roman literature as a model for their own works in terms of style, themes, and structure.

How did Geoffrey Chaucer influence the Renaissance?

Geoffrey Chaucer's works, especially "The Canterbury Tales," helped popularize Middle English vernacular literature and influenced the development of English as a literary language. His use of character development and social commentary set a precedent for humanist thought during the Renaissance. Chaucer's writing style and themes influenced later Renaissance writers such as Shakespeare and Spenser.

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Alexandrianism is the style and theories of the greek writers of Alexandra

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