

Who won between federate and anti-federate?

Updated: 7/22/2020
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11y ago

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federate (in Australia)

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Q: Who won between federate and anti-federate?
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Who won the battle between the union and federate?

'Federate' sounds like a mix of Federal and Confederate. The Confederates were the breakaway Southern states. What was left of the USA was called the Union - also called the Federals. There were many battles between North and South. The war was eventually won by the Union.

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Yes: NSW was completely in favour of Federation.

How does a federate state differ from a confederate state?

I don't think the word Federate was ever widely used. The two sides were the Federals (the North, or officially the USA) and the Confederates (the Southern breakaway group of states, the CSA.)

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other Countries would Interfere

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Henry Parkes did not make federation. He was a strong advocate and delivered a stirring speech at Tenterfield promoting federation as a means to ensure free trade between the states.

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The separation of Powers is an model for the government of both democratic and federate states.

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Brazil's form of government is the federal and the type of Brazil's government is the federate republic.