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Top Ten Highest Presidential Electoral Vote Percentages:


98.5% - Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1936

98.3% - James Monroe in 1820

97.8% - George Washington in 1792

97.6% - Ronald Reagan in 1984

96.7% - Richard M. Nixon in 1972

94.5% - George Washington in 1789

92.0% - Thomas Jefferson in 1804

90.9% - Ronald Reagan in 1980

90.6% - Abraham Lincoln in 1864

90.3% - Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964

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The largest percentage of the electoral college vote won by a presidential candidate was achieved by President George Washington in 1788 and 1792. He won 100% of the electoral college vote both times, as there were no opposing candidates.

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George Washington was reelected president in 1792 and John Adams was reelected vice-president. According to the prevailing rules of electoral college voting at that time, electors cast votes for two persons. Electors could not distinguish between their presidential and vice-presidential choices. The recipient of the most electoral votes would become president and the runner-up vice-president. George Washington received 132 electoral votes and John Adams received 77 electoral votes. Others receiving electoral votes were George Clinton (50), Thomas Jefferson (4), Aaron Burr (1)

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The largest in vote count is Reagan in 1984 with 425 to Mondale's 10. The largest in precentage is Waahington in 1788 and again in 1792. Washington got all the electoral, but there were not nearly so many to get as there are now.

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Jimmy Carter won the 1976 presidential election defeating Gerald Ford. In the 1976 presidential election Jimmy Carter received 297 electoral votes (55.3%) and Gerald Ford received 240 electoral votes (44.7%). The popular vote totals were Carter 40,830,763 and Ford 39,147,793.

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Generally your little brother has to be the governor of the second largest state in the union. You use his political appointments to disenfranchise millions of voters, then allow the supreme court justices your father appointed to name you the president. Or, you could just win the electoral college.

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illinois pennsylvenia texas california ohio

What state has the most electrical college votes?

Based on the 2010 Census, the states with the largest number of electoral votes are California 55, Texas 38, New York 29, Florida 29, Illinois 20, and Pennsylvania 20.

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Based on the 2010 Census, the states with the largest number of electoral votes are California 55, Texas 38, New York 29. Florida 29, Illinois 20, and Pennsylvania 20.