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Technically, neither side won. President Theodore Roosevelt established a peace treaty with both sides to stop the fighting. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for this arrangement.

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Germans and Russians fot agents each outher

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Q: Who won the war when Russia and Germany fought?
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What happened after Britain declared war on Germany?

WW II was a bitterly fought, protracted struggle, in which Germany bombed Britain, Britain bombed Germany, battles were fought all over the world, millions died, and eventually the Allies won. And then there was the Cold War.

Where was operation barbarossa fought?

Operation Barbosa was a way for Germany to invade the Soviet Union during World War II but was Destroyed in the Winter of 1943. The Russians started a counter offensive that cracked the German Army.

Was world war 2 really won by russia?

Yes, they switched sides when Germany atacked them.

What 2 sides fought in world war 1?

The Triple Alliance(Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy) and the Triple Entente(France, Britain, and Russia)

Who fougt as 'stalingrad'?

Russia and Germany fought in the battle of Stalingrad. Russia owned Stalingrad, and then lost a lot of lives holding on to it, but lost the battle. Russia won in the long run because Germany lost a lot of soldiers and his supplies were drained after the battel.

Why did Britan get involved with World War 1?

To help France and Russia defeat Germany. Britain wanted Germany to lose WWI, so they joined France and Russia. Britain was worried that if Germany won WWI, they would be too powerful for England to defeat by themselves, so they joined France and Russia and declared war on Germany.

Who won between Russia and Germany?

Germany lost, they lost to the Allies Russia was part of the Allies

Who won the war from German and Poland?

The Allied Forces defeated Germany and freed Poland from the Nazi occupation. Russia came in from the East to defeat Germany.

What conteries were in war war 2?

i will assume "conteries" is countries, and "war war 2" is world war 2. But it was pretty much every country Europe, "Nazi Germany" is what gives Germany a bad name, but Germany started dominating Europe. Poland was the first country to fall. Russia got involved when Germany attempted to take over Stalingrad Russia, but failed. The United States declared war on Germany right before Japan Declared war on the United States and bombed Pearl Harbor. Almost every island in the pacific was dominated by Japan, the United States fought the Japanese on those islands and won. Australia was also bombed by Japan, But was never dominated. The United States, Great Britain, and France also Fought the Germans in some Countries in Africa.

Who won Russia or Georgia?

won no one . There still is war .Quite war.

What might have happen if Great Britain had fallen to Germany?

Germany would have won the war.

Did russia won word war 2?

They certainly helped, any many historians will argue the war may not have been won by the Allies without German losses on the battlefield with the Russians. Russia lost approximately 20 million people in world war 2 as they were under direct attack by Germany