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your mom would. (;

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Q: Who would benefit from hamiltons plan to fund the national debt?
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What was Alexander Hamiltons biggest challenge?

to pay off national debt

What was hamiltons plan for restructuring the national debt?

to take over man kind

What was hamiltons plan for the national debt?

By using national banks. There for when people went to the bank they had owned money. That had made America increase there debt.

What was Hamiltons plan for reducing the national debt?

By using national banks. There for when people went to the bank they had owned money. That had made America increase there debt.

How did thomas jeffersons view of the national debt differ from that of Alexander hamiltons?

Jefferson wanted to pay off debt. Hamilton did not. CB

What was Hamiltons plan to pay off national debt?

Hamilton's plan to pay off the national debt had three parts. The first was to pay off all war debt, next was to raise government revenue and last to create a national bank.

How did thomas jeffersons view of the national debt differ from Alexander hamiltons?

Jefferson wanted to pay off debts; Hamilton did not.

Why did some states oppose hamiltons plan to repay the national debt?

They were not sure how it could be done fairly, including congress. i got this right because i got it from my textbook, and because my teacher told me.

What was hamiltons plan to repay debt?

Youmad bro?

Alexander Hamiltons 1790 Report on Public Credit recommended that the 52 million public debt be?

Pooled with the 25 million dollars of state debt and paid off through bonds and a national bank.

What resulted from Hamilton's taxes?

The whiskey rebellion was a tax protest in pennsylvania.The conflict was rooted in western dissatisfaction of alexander hamiltons program to found the national debt.

How would you write the national debt in scientific notation?

The current national debt is approximately $14.3 trillion. In scientific notation that would be:1.43 * 1013 dollars