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If you are referring to which would win, a Boston bull can run faster than either the pit or bull terrier but if you are referring to something other than a race then the police would win.

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Q: Who would when pit bull or bullterrier?
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How will win Doberman or pit bull?

The pit bull would win. A doberman is built for speed, when the pit bull is built for power. The dobermann would win. Known as the unstoppable attack dog.

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Chinaman is the bloodline, Pit Bull is the breed. And its actually and American pit bull terrier.

Will a pitbull still be a pitbull if its mix with a sheppard?

Yes, any dog that has a bull-terrier body type is refered to as a pit bull, and that would include a pit bull/shepherd mix.

Cost of pit bull with paters?

A quality pit bull with papers would cost over $1,000 regardless of where you live. However, the breeds are over bred and a quality pit bull can often be adopted for very little money. The largest cost of a pit bull will be the yearly cost of ownership. Expect to pay between $800 and $1,600 a year to raise, house, and train your pit bull.

Can human protein hurt a pit bull?

If human protein were to be injected into a pit bull terrier, not only would it kill the dog, you would be guilty of animal cruelty for doing so.

What the difference bull dog and pit bull temper?

The most notable difference would likely be that pit bulls tend to have a higher incidence of dog aggression