

Who would win a lion or a hyena?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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12y ago

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Lions and hyenas most often battle in packs or prides. The net weight of the pack and pride determines the outcome. The group having the largest gross weight usually wins. This means if the combined weight of the entire pack of hyenas outweighs that of the pride of lions the hyenas will win the battle. Therefore in a one on one contest the heaviest is predicted to win. Most often lions will weigh more than hyenas so the lion would win.

that's an easy question,a hyena wouldn't even react and it'll be dead.lions are 2 times larger than hyenas ad weight almost 4 times more.hyenas might steal linos carcass only when there are only females and even then they'll had to work together

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Q: Who would win a lion or a hyena?
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Who would win in a fight between a hyena and lion?

A lion would win. Since both animals are in the singular form, I assume there is one of each. Though the hyena has a stronger bite, 800 pounds per square inch, the lion is bigger and also more agile than the hyena, as well as using its size and muscle mass as an advantage. The lion regularly takes down big game, so the hyena would not fare very well.

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1 lion vs. 1 hyena, the lion would kill/scare the hyena away. Hyenas are usually only in a pack. 1 lion vs. a pack of hyenas, they would kill the lion.

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A lion because its bigger and stronger and compared to a 12 times angry hyena, the hyena is nothing.

Can a hyena kill a lion?

One hyena alone would be no match for a lion, but a pack of hyenas working together can kill an adult male lion.

Are lions a predator of the hyena?

Yes and no. A lion will not hunt a hyena but it will kill one as hyenas are seen as competition for food by lions, but that is not to say that a hungry lion would not eat hyena. But it works the other way too, hyena would kill a lion and i have seen them eat a dead lioness!

Can hyena's kill a male lion?

One hyena alone would be no match for a lion, but a pack of hyenas working together can kill an adult male lion.

Who would win a hyena or a cougar?

The lion would win, hands down, through sheer physical strength. It is much bigger (weighing 500 lbs), much stronger and more aggressive than the hyena (weighing 100 lbs, and that's quite rare). A hyena wouldn't stand a chance, the lion would end the fight quickly. As a matter of fact, hyenas, even when they're with the pack, generally flee when a male lion appears, so I seriously doubt a lone hyena would dare take on a lion. That's true. It's very common, that a lone male lion (without a pride) will attack a pack of hyenas, split them up, and maybe hunt down one or two.

Would a pack of lions win against a pack of hyena's?

Although a pack of hyena's have been known to defend against and kill a solitary lion, IMHO a pack of lions would tear a pack of hyenas to shreads.

Who would win in a fight a hyena or a serval?

A hyena will basically win because of it's size and it's strength