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Q: Who would win hulk vs chucky vs candyman vs 268 lions vs 900 ants vs 49 bees vs 66 tigers?
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Who would win Freddy vs chucky vs candyman?


Who would win megatron vs the fallen vs optimus prime vs Jason vs chucky vs candyman vs leatherface?

the fallen or.... ME!

Do lions eat snow tigers?

Lions and tigers rarely come face to face in the wild. Tigers are larger and stronger, so i doubt that lions would be able to eat them!

Can lions kill tigers?

Tigers and lions do not normally share the same habitat so would never meet in nature. However, tigers are bigger than lions so would probably win.

Who would win chucky vs 1 dog vs 6 lions vs 1 tiger?

the 6 lions

How do tigers compete with lions?

They don't, usually. Lions are from Africa, Tigers from Asia, they would rarely see each other.

Who would win 100 lions vs Freddy vs 10 wolves vs Spider-Man vs chucky vs hulk vs starscream vs megatron vs bumblebee vs optimus prime vs leatherface vs candyman vs superman vs blackout vs Godzilla?


Do lions prey on tigers?

The Bengal tigers' rival predators are mainly leopards, wild dogs, and bears.

Who would win leatherface chucky ironman kulk or candyman?

i say krueger because he is pretty much ipmossible to kill and he can kill you in your dreams

What would you expect to find in the jungle?


Are lions scared of tigers?

Lions and tigers are not in the same parts of the world. Lions are in Africa. A tiger is found in Southeast Asia. I doubt a lion would be bothered by a tiger. A Cheetah doesn't bother them and they kill the cubs when they find them.

Why are lions and tigers going extinct?

Lions and tigers are going extinct because of human activity. Deforestation is occurring at an alarming rate which causes them to lose their houses. Humans are also hunting them down. Most scientists believe that before the end of the century, lions and tigers would probably go extinct.