

Who would win in a fight Captain America or ironman?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Captain America.He could reflect any light or force attacks from Ironmans suit 2 times stronger and hits with it can do great damage to Irnys suit.Even without the sheild his improved agility would Dodge circles around Ironmans attacks,improved strength would do adiquit damage to even the armour suit,improved defence has servived explosions,blasts and HITS FROM THE HULK for lick 12 min so he can take on some lazers and bullets for a while,quick healing would help him recover from huge attacks in about 8 min and his incredible battle stratergies would would find a way to bring the metalhead down.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Iron Man, hands down. Captain america is a man in tights who takes steroids.

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