

Who would win in a fight between an orangutang and horse?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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The horse.

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Q: Who would win in a fight between an orangutang and horse?
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i would say a tie not only because they are both intelligent but they are about equal in size, strength, and agility

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A horse's strong, muscular hooves can crush the wolf by stomping it and kicking its head.

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Most likely a horse because its hooves will crush the dog's body, even if the dog is large.

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The hose will win because the horse has a long legs to kick the fox away from it.... :DA horse weights between 1000 and 2000 lbs, a fox must weight 30lbs max - hmmm I wonder who would win!! J

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To run. The first thing a horse will do when frightened is to run. If they feel trapped then they will fight by rearing and by kicking. Its called "Fight or flight". Fight or run. A horse will bolt (run) and can squeal. If a horse is really scared, or has fear, there would be little whites in their eyes.

Who would win in a fight between 5 wolves and a horse?

Wolves are stronger and smarter than dogs. It depends on the size and health of the horse, plus the strength and size of the wolves. A horse would crush, stomp, kick, or charge off as many wolves as they want. Like an ox or a cattlebeast, a horse would fight a group of attacking wolves, especially when they are cornered. Some wolves would come to disable the horse's powerful hooves, while others would come to bite the horse's soft belly. But the horse would easily knock some wolves down by stomping them to death with those hooves. The horse has a vertical throat and a high upper head that would make it very difficult for the wolves to go for the throat. 5 wolves could kill a larger prey or fight off a larger predator. If the wolves come to bite the horse's hamstrings, this would probably tire the horse down. Then, the wolves would have a chance to win this fight.

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It's really hard to say. A draft horse is a very large animal, an animal that even a grizzly would think twice of scrapping with. And yet a grizzly is a fierce animal itself when cornered, even by a large horse. So the fight could really go either way.

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A horse can kill just one wolf. Wolf pack would be a different story.

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If you don't know what happens when there is pressure then your a down syndromes orangutang...

Who would win a fight between a human and a crocodile?

If by winning you mean surviving it, the crocodile would be the most likely winner, IF the horse didn't run away first. A crocodile can run from 2 to 10 miles per hour on land, and faster than that in water. So if the horse ran fast enough to get away, which they can certainly do, it would survive, but if the crocodile caught it, the crocodile would probably be able to kill it. The horse would not "fight" the crocodile, but would merely try to get away from it, as horses are prey animals, if they are up against an animal capable of killing them.Another AnswerA crocodile would win the fight in water. But if it fought on land, the horse would usually win if the crocodile was not strong or large.

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Gorillas normally do not wish to fight those animals that are plant eaters like itself. A gorilla would quickly learn that a horse is an animal to keep its distance from after receiving a good kick or sharp bite if it got too close to it. And horses, unless cornered, prefer to take flight rather than fight, and would normally run away if they see a strange animal like a gorilla charging it. So no one would win or lose.

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one horse sized duck