

Who would worship poseidon?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Who would worship poseidon?
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When would they worship Poseidon?

When they wished.

Can mortal worship Poseidon?

Yes, mortal men and women can worship Poseidon.

People who patron Poseidon?

Poseidon was an ancient Greek god. Some modern Pagans also worship him.

Why did people worship Poseidon?

I suppose they didn't want to drown.

Which greek god did the Corinthians worship?

Poseidon was the pareon god of Corinth,

How did the Romans worship Poseidon?

Well you see, the Romans loved water and were addicted to cleanliness. Therefore they would sacrifice the water to the patriarchs or to the water god, known as Poseidon. Everyday they carried their gold encrusted goblets to the Chickwahee Desert Oasis. And then there, they would raise their hands in praise of Poseidon and dump their offerings into the Oasis. If Poseidon "accepted" their numina (spirits or divinities) then Poseidon would send down a lightning beam from his trident which would kill the second-born child of every family until the moon and sun lined up in a lunar eclipse. Plato predicted this will happen on December 21st, 2012.

Why should Poseidon be worshiped?

In the ancient Greek religion, Poseidon was the brother of the chief god, Zeus, and the second most powerful of the gods. As god of the seas, he had the power to help seafarers or cause their ships to sink. He also had the power to make earthquakes and cause havoc on land. So, it would be a very foolhardy person who did not worship Poseidon.

How would you translate Poseidon into Spanish?


How did the Greeks worship Neptune?

They did not. Neptune was a Roman god. But the Greeks built temples to their sea god, Poseidon.

How old is Poseiden?

Greek mythology does not come with a timeline; therefore it is not known how old Poseidon (or the worship of him) truly is.

Where did people worship Athena?

she worshipped people by giving them honey and a trident from her dad, the most powerful god, poseidon

What would Athens be called if Poseidon was the winner of the contest?

Athens would have been called Poseidon.