

Who wrote chanticleer and the fox?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Barbara Cooney

Barbara Cooney adapted the story of Nun's Priest Tale from Canterbury Tales, and illustrated it. Canterbury Tales was written by Geoffrey Chaucer.

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Q: Who wrote chanticleer and the fox?
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How does the fox take advantage of Chanticleer's weakness?

The fox flatters Chanticleer's singing ability, getting him to close his eyes and puff out his chest to crow. This allows the fox to grab Chanticleer and run off with him.

How was the fox able to catch Chanticleer?

The Fox was able to catch Chanticleer by flattering his singing and asking to hear a song. As Chanticleer begins to sing with his eyes closed, the fox seizes him in his jaws and carries him off.

What is the climax of the story of chanticleer and the fox?

The climax of the story "Chanticleer and the Fox" occurs when Chanticleer, the rooster, is tricked by the fox into opening his mouth to crow, allowing the fox to snatch him. This moment is the turning point of the story where the conflict between the clever fox and the proud rooster comes to a head.

Chanticleer was caught by the fox because he listened to?


What was Chanticleer's dream?

In "The Nun's Priest's Tale" from Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales," Chanticleer dreams that he is being attacked by a fox. This dream foreshadows the actual attack by the fox later in the story.

What are the similarities between Chanticleer and the fox in The Nun's Priest's Tale?


What is ironic about chanticleer's escape?

The ironic aspect of Chanticleer's escape in "The Nun's Priest's Tale" is that he is ultimately saved by his own cunning and quick thinking, despite being a proud and boastful character. This contradicts his earlier belief that self-aggrandizement would protect him from harm. Additionally, the fox is outwitted by Chanticleer, reversing their roles as predator and prey.

What general lesson about the power of words do the fates of chanticleer and the fox suggest?

The fates of Chanticleer and the fox suggest that words have the power to deceive and manipulate individuals. Chanticleer's trust in the fox's flattering words leads to his capture, highlighting the danger of being swayed by empty promises. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of discerning truth from deceit in communication.

How does the chanticleer escape?

In Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Nun's Priest's Tale," the clever rooster Chanticleer escapes being attacked by the fox by outwitting him with flattery and distraction until the fox ultimately fails in his attempt to catch him.

What does the french word chanticleer mean?

It usually refers to a rooster. It comes from a rooster appearing in fables surrounding the fables of Reynard the Fox. The most famous of these is probably Chanticleer and the Fox, a version of which is told in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The name is from French "sing clear".

How is the fox able to catch chanticleer?

a fox owl catch an owl by hiding and wait till they see and owl come down so they could eat it.

What is the climax of the nun's priest tale?

In "The Nun's Priest's Tale" by Geoffrey Chaucer, the climax occurs when Chanticleer, the proud rooster, is tricked by the sly fox and captured. Chanticleer manages to outwit the fox by convincing him to boast, giving the rooster a chance to escape. This moment of tension and reversal of fortunes is the climax of the tale.