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St. Paul the Apostle is credited for writing the epistles.

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Q: Who wrote the 21 letters in the bible?
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How many letters in bible?

The apostle Paul wrote 14 letters to different people or congregations. James wrote 1 letter. Peter wrote 2 letters. The apostle John wrote 3 letters. And Jude wrote 1 letter. Thus there are a total of 21 letters in the Bible.

Who mostly wrote the letters in the Bible?

St. Paul (formerly Saul of Taurus) wrote most (not all) of the letters in the Bible.

Where do we find the reading of Saint Paul chapter 20-21 in the Bible?

There is no Saint Paul chapter 20-21 in the Bible. The apostle Paul wrote several letters in the New Testament but none of them have 20 chapters

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The Apostle Paul wrote 14 letters to different people or congregations. James wrote 1 letter. Peter wrote 2 letters. The apostle John wrote 3 letters. And Jude wrote 1 letter. Thus there are a total of 21 letters in The Bible.

Why were the books of the Bible that Paul wrote called letters?

He was writting the letters to the Church in Corinth, and they would have been persecuted for their faith, so he wrote in secret.

Which five books in the bible are letters?

There are 21 letters written in the New Testament. Romans to Jude

How many more letters did john write?

Is this about the bible. well if you look at the back of a bible ( my bible has this) it tells you when the books were written and who wrote them. These are the following john in gospel, 1john 2john and 3john, Revelations.

In the book of paul in the bible how many times is the word immediately?

There is no book of Paul in the Bible. Paul wrote letters or epistles.

Is there a name of a church named in the bible?

When the bible was written there were no church buildings, churches were groups of Christan believers and Paul wrote letters to these 'churches'.

Who wrote most of the letters in the second half of the Bible?

Paul was the most prolific of the New Testament writers.

What are the 21 books of epistles in bible in New Testament?

Paul wrote 13 epistles and not 21 epistles in the new testament.

What book of the bible contains all the letters of the alphabet except J?

All the letters of the Alphabet, except J, are in Ezra 7:21.