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Abraham Lincoln

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Q: Who wrote the first emancipation proclamation freeing the slaves in many southern states?
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What is the emancipation proclamation?

Freeing southern slaves

Who wrote Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves in many Southern States?

Abraham Lincoln

Slaves in states that were controlled by the South were freed by the?

The Emancipation Proclamation is credited with freeing the slaves in the United States.

What is the name of the the document that Lincoln is sued freeing the slaves?

Emancipation proclamation.

Who wrote and what is the Emancipation Proclomation?

The Emancipation Proclamation is a document written during the Civil War freeing slaves in the southern (Confederate) states. Abraham Lincoln signed the document.

What proclamation gave freesom to southern slaves?

Emancipation Proclamation.

Which document made freeing the slaves a main focus of the war?

Emancipation proclamation

What was the freeing of slaves called?

The freeing of slaves was called emancipation. President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation effective 1 January 1863. It proclaimed emancipation (freedom) for all slaves from states then at war with the Union.

What caused Abraham Lincoln to be notable?

He signed the Emancipation Proclamation, essentially freeing the slaves.

Did the Emancipation Proclamation end slavery in the US?

somewhat. it was supposed to, and it mostly did, but in some southern states they still had some trouble freeing their slaves. hope this helped!

Was the emancipation proclamation successful in freeing slaves?

yes and no. there are still enslave people today that are not local, but they are there.

What did licon say he was doing with the emancipation proclamation?

Freeing all slaves in the states fighting against the union