

Who wrote the play 'blood brothers?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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the answer is willy Russell he wrote the play blood brothers

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Willy Russell

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it was a play that started in 5474

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Willy Russels "Blood Brothers" musical play has never been made into a movie. Though there has been talk about a film adaptation in the past, nothing has yet become of it.

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Musical- but could be described as tragic or political due to the deaths of the brothers and the poverty/unemployment

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Installing other games from Mobage like Tiny Tower, Hell Fire, Transformers, etc. The ones show up when you play Blood Brothers on your phone.

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The Grimm Brothers -Google them!They wrote many famous tales today such as Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, Sleeping Beauty and many more.Hope this helped :)

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Blood of Brothers was created in 1991.

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The Brothers Grimm