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Q: Who wrote the quote. There are two sides to every story and then there is the truth.?
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Is there three sides to every story if so how?

AnswerYEP AnswerIn an argument, if that's what you mean, there's your story, their story, and the absolute truth

What does this quote mean every individual is capable of discovering this higher truth on his or her own through intuition.?

it means anyone can find the truth about life. They have to do it on their on though.

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She could have been alive years ago. Not saying the story is 100% truth. But, behind every story there is a little bit of truth.

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A reporter's job is to tell the truth and tell the story only. This is what objective reporting is. Often, reporters stretch the truth simply to get a story.

What does But it's the truth even if didn't happen imply about the rest of the story in One flew over the Cuckoos nest?

This quote from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" suggests that the narrator may be an unreliable one, casting doubt on the accuracy of events described in the story. It implies that the truth of the story may be subjective and open to interpretation.

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One coin has two sides. Just like that, the whole truth often has two sides.

What does the quote of there are no truths only perceptions imply?

The quote claims that it is impossible to find truth through our perceptions; however that is an oxymoron since the statement itself implies itself to be a truth while denying the possibility of truth.

What is the theme in the story The Truth About Sharks by Joan Bauer?

There're actually a few themes. You can also add more to these: # Don't Judge a book by its cover # Justice will be served to those that seek it. # Never give up # There's always two sides to a story # Brain over brawn.

Are my parents being overly sensitive?

Someone once said, "There are three sides to every story - your side, my side and the truth." There are variations of it, but the point is we are hearing only your side. Drawing conclusions or making suggestions without knowing the full story would be unwise. At least your friend's mum can likely find homes for the kittens now.

What does this quote mean The truth is rarely pure and never simple?

This quote suggests that the truth is often complex and not easily straightforward. It implies that truth can be messy and layered, rather than being a simple black-and-white concept.

How can the reader best interpret the theme of a story?

The details from the story that suggest a universal truth

What is the resolution in the story Pinocchio?

The resolution in Pinocchio comes with the confrontation of truth. While his image experiences continuous change as a boy with every lie that is told, the most dramatic change that he undergoes is the transformation into a real human with the truth.