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Q: Whose contributions resulted from his interests in politics and his concern for language?
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Louis IV efforts to stop papal interference in German politics resulted in his being deposed by Pope Clement?

Louis IV efforts to stop papal interference in German politics resulted in his being deposed by Pope Clement?

The mixture of religion and politics has throughout history resulted in violence true?

unfortunately yes

How did separatism affect the Yugoslavia?

Politics. Because like Croatia, they wanted to make a new country, new language and new flag as kosovo is trying and when they split up it was the saddest day for serbians in montenegro. people were crying for weeks.

What language resulted from a blending of Greek dialects after the Peloponnesian War?

Koine Greek

What important contributions did the aryan invaders make to the culture and way of life in India?

Religion was one of the most important contributions made by Aryan invaders. Their religion combined with the Indian religion resulted in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.

Is it true that Louis IV's efforts to stop papal interference in German politics resulted in his being deposed by Pope Clement?


Why was Pierre de Fermat important?

Pierre de Fermat's interest in mathematics resulted in contributions to number theory, analytic geometry, probability, and calculus.

How did religion and politics affect the development of the New England colonies?

Religion played a significant role in the establishment of the New England colonies, with Puritan beliefs shaping their social and political structures. The Puritans sought to create a religiously pure society, leading to the development of tight-knit communities centered around their faith. Politics in these colonies were often intertwined with religion, as church leaders held significant influence over government decisions, enforcing strict moral codes and shaping policies based on their beliefs.

What are contributions to the US union in the civil war?

they resulted in a victory against the confederates, they got the united states abolished from slavery, and the United States was a whole again.

In what way did Monica Lewinsky cause controversy in American politics?

Monica Lewinsky testified that she had sexual encounters with Bill Clinton, while he was serving as President. Clinton denied having a relationship with her, which resulted in charges of perjury against him. These charges resulted in Clinton's impeachment

What situation was right after the war Mexico?

The slavery question. As the Mexican War was fostered by pro-slavery interests, it resulted in the American Civil War just 13 years later.

Why is Unix portable?

Unix was rewritten in the C Programming language and not in assembly language. The migration from assembly language to the higher-level language C resulted in much more portable software, requiring only a relatively small amount of machine-dependent code to be replaced when porting Unix to other computing platforms. (mihir)