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Darius has not gone down in history as a lawmaker. But Persia during his reign had a system of laws based on Hammurabi's earlier Mesopotamian code, that had "King's laws" that were valid for the whole nation next to local laws and customs.

The only set of laws that Darius ever ordered was a codification of the laws of Egypt. The basis here remained the ancient Egyptian laws and customs themselves that for the most part had never been properly codified.

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Darius based his own set of laws on the laws of his predecessor, King Hammurabi of Babylon. This set of laws was known as the Code of Hammurabi and was one of the earliest known written codes of law.

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What referred to the practice of Europeans living by their own laws while on Chinese soil?

Extraterritoriality referred to the practice of Europeans living by their own laws while on Chinese soil. This allowed them to be tried under their own legal system instead of the Chinese one.

True or false all states have the same laws?

False. Laws can vary by state due to differences in history, culture, and values. Each state has its own legislative process for creating and updating laws, resulting in variations in laws across states.

What is a personal liberty laws?

Personal liberty laws were state laws passed in the northern states in the mid-19th century to protect free African Americans from being captured and returned to slavery under the Fugitive Slave Act. These laws granted rights to accused fugitives such as trial by jury and the ability to testify on their own behalf. The laws aimed to protect the personal freedoms and liberties of individuals.

Does Tennessee have Flea Market Laws?

Tennessee does not have specific laws that govern flea markets, but they are generally considered to operate as temporary retail venues. Vendors must comply with state laws on sales tax and business licenses, and individual flea markets may have their own rules and regulations.

What are sumptuary laws?

Sumptuary laws are regulations that dictate the types of clothing, accessories, and goods that people are allowed to own or wear. These laws were often used to enforce social hierarchy and restrict extravagance among different social classes.

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